cultural relativism anthropology quizlet

B. sociology. Once home in Kent, England, Darwin began examining his collections, as well as the nature around him, and came to the realization that species best suited to their environments live longer and reproduce more, a process he called __________. Herodotus travels throughout Egypt, Persia, and the area now known as Ukraine. How did the "Age of Enlightenment" plant seeds for many academic disciplines, including anthropology? b. have caused international war. B. personal depression. During the seminar, the "lower" group felt stereotyped as __________ if they tried to complain about their treatment. In his classic ethnography titled ?, Bronislaw Malinowski analyzed the ? During the 1960s and 1970s, how was anthropology's role in colonialism viewed, and why? Why do people embrace men like Hitler or Koresh? Which of the following is defining of the discipline of sociology as distinct from other social sciences, according to the textbook?a)A focus on examining how society works. b. have caused international war. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like human, nature, past and present and more. In his classic ethnography titled Argonauts of the Western Pacific, Bronislaw Malinowski analyzed the Kula ring as a system of exchange in islands in the Pacific Ocean. Which of the following anthropologists is widely considered to be one of the founders of modern North American anthropology, with its focus on fieldwork and cultural relativism? The first Pre-Cambrian fossil ever identified was __________, discovered in 1957 in the forests outside of Leicester, England and dated to 562 million years old. In Uganda, homosexuality was criminalized in 2009 and is currently punishable by life imprisonment. According to __________, the glass beads found at Must Farm Quarry were likely made and imported from the Middle East. Chapter 5 Book Problems - ACC-307. Direct-to-consumer DNA testing relies on shared unites of measurement called __________. When these children go home, they speak with their family in their shared language and follow different practices regarding shared meals. d.Anthropology reinforces ethnocentrism. Affect the relationship between an ind. Which of the following errors is illustrated in this statement? Identify whether or not these are techniques that contemporary anthropologists use to make their ethnographic writing more participatory and transparent. What study claims to be a science, but only promotes the idea that biological races exist, favoring one race over others? Humans share a number of non-verbal communication forms with non-human primates who use a gesture-call system. d. buildings, artworks, and technological devices., (Q002) What is an example of nonmaterial culture? The abandonment of a language in favor of a new one is called, The idea that children will gradually lose the ability to acquire language naturally without effort is called, The common English phrases "I won the argument" and "I had a fight with my boyfriend last night" are examples of the conceptual metaphor in American culture that argument is, Descriptive linguistics is a subfield that studies, Anything that serves to refer to something else, but has an arbitrary meaning, is best referred to as a, Deborah Tannen, linguistics professor at Georgetown University, argues that men and women have different speaking styles. A ten-year-old girl idolizes singers like Beyonc and compares herself to them, making them her, Friends typically don't have formal rules and structures. detect patterns in how different societies handle or respond to similar phenomena. Usually, by the end, someone has misheard the message and changed it. To use humor and reversal to illustrate the concepts of culture shock and cultural relativism. Identify whether or not later anthropologists found the following statements problematic about E. E. Evans-Pritchard's study of Sudanese communities during the 1930s, detailed in his ethnography The Nuer (1940). She's talked with friends and family, but they have not been able to provide her with any helpful contacts. eric_stephenson3. Place an anthropologist's preparations and strategies when undertaking fieldwork in a foreign area in order, starting with pre-fieldwork preparations. Which was one of the roles discussed by Simmel? The researcher: It can capture what people do not just what they say they do. C. climatic d. describe English culture better than English does. In cultural anthropology, the term "belief" refers to. cultural relativism. and more. The three other sub fields in anthropology - biological anthropology, because anthropology focuses on the , Place the steps of the scientific method in order. Does the children's game of telephone count as media? The American Anthropological Association's Code of Ethics stresses which of the following ethical responsibilities? a. George Herbert Mead c. mile Durkheim b. Karl Marx d. Max Weber, Johann is from the United Kingdom. c. are English derivatives. She agrees with Sachs's point of view, that: (14) This sociologist used the metaphor of theater to describe how people present themselves in everyday life and referred to his approach as this. b. Because they were stereotyped as greedy, and "not smart", the lower group children were forbidden from having __________ at lunch. The term "vernacular" is used to identify, non-standard or stigmatized forms of a language, also may be called a "dialect", Groups of languages classified together based on words that have the same or similar meanings are called, The term for all forms of human body language is, Broca's area and Wernicke's area are two structures that, How can we best understand the use of the term "dialect?". The brilliant zoologist __________ was the first to recognize and name dinosaurs and became the creator and first director of the Natural History Museum in London. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like (Q001) Material culture includes a. values, beliefs, behaviors, and social norms. EMIC-understanding a community on its own terms. This concept is. B. personal depression. EXAM 1 REVIEW. The role of the IRB is to and more. Which of the following statements is a fact? During Jane Elliott's workshop, people with __________ eyes were bombarded with discriminatory rules and behavior. establishing ethnographic authority: "My fieldwork in Frakerville lasted 24 months, and I developed fluency in Spanish in order to include the Spanish-speaking population of the town.". Which of the following best describes the relationship between cultural relativism and ethnocentrism? Paul Farmer, working as both a __________ and a __________, demonstrates the applied potential of anthropology. d. buildings, artworks, and technological devices., (Q002) What is an example of nonmaterial culture? Rodrigo is experiencing: If your professor asked you to do a breaching experiment, you might do which of the following? T or F? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The United States is the most _____ of all cultures. How are animal call systems different from human language? reckless driving millseric100. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Over time, humans have become increasingly dependent on which of the following in order to cope with the range of environments they have occupied in time and space? George Herbert Mead would probably argue that if your four-year-old daughter picks her nose and keeps pulling up her dress while you are out at a fancy restaurant, it is because she has not: Middle-class parents are more likely to structure their children's leisure time with formal activities; working-class parents leave it up to the kids to decide how they want to structure their free time. To reach his goal of collecting data and interpreting it well, Franz Boas introduced and practiced the concepts of __________ which is the rapid gathering of all available material, and ______________ or seeing the merits of each culture from that culture's perspective. 3000 word essay in one night sat essay blank paper writing and reading essay do you underline the title of your essay how to do an introduction research paper how to write an essay about a hero essay about land resources personal development essay tagalog research paper topics film industry literary essay notes essay on composition of blood how to get a dissertation topic The role of the IRB is to and more. c. anything from the natural environment. His role as both researcher and participant provides a great example of the importance of: Crystal is camping in the woods with her dog and her friends. urban environments, such as a city in the U.S. Pages 17-18 1.4. A dialect is a variation of a language, usually distributed across geographic regions, that is considered lower in social and political prestige to another "standard" variety. mardi gras beads and the chinese sweatshop workers who make them. AshaRangappa, dean of admissions at Yale Law School, explained that most students who apply to Yale Law School have already benefited from opportunities that make them appear to be stronger candidates than those from less advantaged backgrounds. a. a photography exhibit at a modern art museum A) a holistic and comparative approach to problem solving B) cultural means of adaptation C) social institutions, such as the state, that How do biological anthropologists know what they know?, What is true about social 3000 word essay in one night sat essay blank paper writing and reading essay do you underline the title of your essay how to do an introduction research paper how to write an essay about a hero essay about land resources personal development essay tagalog research paper topics film industry literary essay notes essay on composition of blood how to get a dissertation topic Rarely, foraging groups may become sedentary instead of nomadic. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like human, nature, past and present and more. The Must Farm village dates to at least __________ years after Stonehenge was erected. In his classic ethnography titled _________, Bronislaw Malinowski analyzed the _______ as a system of exchange in islands in the Pacific Ocean. Only four Mayan books have survived, the Dresden Codex, the Paris Codex, the Mexico Codex, and the __________ Codex. Facebook wasn't the first social media site, of course; it had to compete with earlier sites, such as Friendster and MySpace. Charles Darwin served as naturalist and companion to the captain on the British surveying ship Beagle during its voyage around the world which began in __________. d.Anthropology reinforces ethnocentrism. The ethnographic film Mardi Gras: Made in China focuses on how globalization establishes new connections that have profound human effects. Pages 17-18 1.4. Identify whether or not these statements explain how globalization has influenced fieldwork and engaged anthropology. How does a fable become a tradition within a culture? b. the labels we attach to our experiences can shape the attitudes we hold. A variable that it though to cause a change in another variable is called the: Which of the following focuses its analyses on face-to-face encounters and interactions? Some factors are called moderating variables because they: A person who intentionally drives a wedge between two others is termed by Georg Simmel as: Visit more schools so that her sample is more representative, Ava's has data from an elite school, but wants to make general claims about college preparation, The main reason achieving high response rates and limiting selection bias are important is to. ____________________, the first person to decipher a Mayan glyph, determined that the dots and bars in the glyphs were numbers. Historically, what is the primary way that ASL and Deaf culture has been passed from generation to generation? Karl Marx argued that social institutions in a society were the result of the economic makeup of that society. c. replacing abstract terms with concrete ones. Which of the following methods would an ethnographer use specifically to collect data on important relationships that form the foundation of the society? a. George Herbert Mead c. mile Durkheim b. Karl Marx d. Max Weber, Johann is from the United Kingdom. B. sociology. Evidence from Must Farm Quarry suggests that the villagers were __________ crops and livestock. Most often, ethnographers include in their writing. The __________ is a Mayan myth describing the miraculous birth of the twin sons of the Maize god and how they restore their father to life and become the sun and the moon. What research method will Elizabeth most likely use? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like An etic perspective would include which of the following?, An approach to culture that emphasizes the interrelationships between all aspects is referred to as, Before beginning fieldwork, researchers usually must submit their plans to an Institutional Research Board (IRB). Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like How did the "Age of Enlightenment" plant seeds for many academic disciplines, including anthropology?, The Garbage Project and "African Burial Ground" are examples of which branch of anthropology?, Widely known as the founder of American anthropology, Franz Boas insisted that and more. Erving Goffman would refer to this behavior as an example of: Expectations that define appropriate or inappropriate behavior for the occupants of a particular status are called: Which of the following represents an ascribed status? a.Eighteenth- and nineteenth-century colonialism gave rise to the discipline. Which ethnography set modern standards for ethnographic fieldwork? e. express family relationships better than English. a gap between two people or two groups that have complementary resources and could benefit from having a closer connection. Cultural relativism emphasizes understanding from an insider's view, and ethnocentrism judges other cultures from an outsider's view Other Quizlet sets. Anthropologists continued this tradition with formalized approaches to data collection and analysis.Place the following descriptive accounts of other cultures in order from first to most recent. Cultural Anthropology Midterm Chapter 4. Identify whether or not these are examples of a credible way to establish ethnographic authority. Their numbers frequently overwhelm nearby towns and cities, including the Mt. Who defined the concept of cultural relativism? Identify whether or not these are examples of a credible way to establish ethnographic authority. You give the example of the disagreement between indigenous Americans and colonial Europeans about whether land was something that could be owned. as a system of exchange in islands in the Pacific Ocean. What example does he give of a taken-for-granted notion of progress? The ethnographic film Mardi Gras: Made in China focuses on how globalization establishes new connections that have profound human effects. Are all of the following examples of a social institution? second-degree murder What term is used to refer to the immersive, long-term research that cultural anthropologists undertake? 44 terms. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like In the "Looking At Diversity" reading in Chapter Five, a woman points out that some Spanish words a. are not tied to culture. Families choosing which toys to purchase for children are participating in, (Q022) Josie comes up with an idea to create and distribute satirical advertisements that expose the hypocrisy of a large tech company that promotes itself as a force for good in the world while exploiting factory workers in poor countries. These signs, (Q011) Think about your own experience of going to school. The three other sub fields in anthropology - biological anthropology, because anthropology focuses on the , Place the steps of the scientific method in order. Everyone in the audience is passionate about their beliefs, and you find yourself swept up in the process, reacting against ideas that you see as extreme. Which of the following anthropologists wrote about how culture shapes a region's personality traits in Patterns of Culture (1934)? C. psychology. 1. learn the language, do a literature review, garner local and financial support. c. are English derivatives. All people alive today share more than __________% of their DNA. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The sequencing of mitochondrial DNA to trace changes in human ancestors over time involves which specialization of anthropology?, What kind of approach enables an anthropologist to examine the similarities and differences between societies' gender roles?, Which of the following directly contributes to Which theorist argued that other people provide us with a social mirror and that our interpretations of this mirror affect how we see ourselves? a. a photography exhibit at a modern art museum He made all of the following claims against Napoleon Chagnon and James Neel EXCEPT, they introduced cigarettes, creating an epidemic of lung cancer, Franz Boas' student who was most interested in documenting Native American languages before they disappeared was, Nineteenth century anthropologists identified three stages of "cultural evolution," which were called (in this order of development), The idea that one's own group is better than any other is called, Margaret Mead's book, Coming of Age in Samoa (1925), was an important contribution to the nature-nurture debate, arguing that teenagers experience less stress in Samoa than in the United States.

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cultural relativism anthropology quizlet